Book Worm


The idea behind this shot was to show the movement of pages as the reader flicked through cover to cover. I knew I’d need a reasonably lit room, (but not over bright to avoid over exposure) and a tripod to ensure I wouldn’t have any camera shake. The location was at home; I love this old chair I acquired and always think of the corner of my living room as reading corner. I bought the sideboard at the weekend too, so great to include it!


I did some initial test shots from, seen below. The first three were off the tripod to gauge exposure. The first was very dark but I soon realised this was because I’d left the metering on from the bubble shoot I’d done outside in the bright sunlight. I tried a revised shot where the metering was set to 0 ISO 100 for maximum sharpness, and the shutter at 5 seconds; I knew this would be too long but just scrolled to get an idea. I soon moved onto 1 second; the aperture automatically setting itself to f8 as I was shooting on Tv shutter priority. I then started getting the subject to move the book. Once I’d managed to get her sat at a good angle and flick through the pages we were away!


I am pleased with the final shot, which I changed to black and white as I felt the colours in the room were distracting. Now the pages of the book pop against the models black dress. In retrospect clearing the side board and just having the chair on a white background would mean there was less distraction also. I could have tried a version with a fast shutter speed which would have frozen the pages as they passed or a zoomed in option, with the focus solely on the book and other elements out of focus.

ISO 100 18mm f11 1′ With Tripod
Book Worm

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